Engage with customer at post-purchase

Our service MyBoxes, creates both a better customer experience and security for the customer on how you, and the carrier, handle the customer delivery process. From the moment you receive a customer order you can communicate, automatically, and give the customer access to information of all different events throughout the delivery process. Hence, MyBoxes is a self-service.
This will improve the customer journey and put less burden on your customer service. For example, customers can find the answers to most questions regarding the delivery process in MyBoxes and thus avoid having to ask the question “where are our deliveries?”.
MyBoxes automatically push information to update the about their customers delivery and reducing the number of unnecessary customer service calls. The Service also consolidates all different information like order status, carrier event and information and present for the customer the delivery process in one simplified language. This drive traffics to your site instead of forwarding the customers to the carrier’s Track & Trace.
MyBoxes lets your customer follow all the steps from, order confirmation, order packing and shipping in same timeline. If there are any deviations or delays during transport, the customer will be notified directly in MyBoxes. MyBoxes will also give a more exact delivery time when the customer will receive the gods.